Ok, this is CRAZY but I found the common link between orientation film and Hoffitt film!!!!!!!!!!! (besides JWH1972)
I was first following MG's advice and went looking for James Handy. Only things that popped up were for a modern day actor. NO DIRECTOR JAMES HANDY. (btw, his link to www.historicalfilms.com doesnt work. That domaine is for sale)
I was looking at the newest video from our new blogger MG. At the beginning it DOESNT SAY James Handy....I couldnt quite make it out so I thought I would just do a google on "Handy white magic film" and BAMMMMMMM!!!!
click here to go to archive.com!
What I disscovered was the stockpile of videos that were used in BOTH ORIENTATION FILM 1980 AND HOFFITT'S HANSO INDUSTRIES FILM~! OH YAH! Look up both "Jam Handy" and "Jerry Fairbanks" on archive.com and you will find tons of the footage that were used!!!
SO...what this has done is TWO things at least:
First, it CLEARLY shows where both videos got the footage from, which would kind of tie them together.
Second, how did JWH1972 on flickr get to those photos ON THE SAME DAY as the orientation video came out unless he/she already KNEW where to look.
Something tells me if one of my buddies with high speed internet was to research on archive.com long enough, they whould also find the footage of "the DeGroots" too.
THIS IS REALLY getting interesting folks!
I was first following MG's advice and went looking for James Handy. Only things that popped up were for a modern day actor. NO DIRECTOR JAMES HANDY. (btw, his link to www.historicalfilms.com doesnt work. That domaine is for sale)
I was looking at the newest video from our new blogger MG. At the beginning it DOESNT SAY James Handy....I couldnt quite make it out so I thought I would just do a google on "Handy white magic film" and BAMMMMMMM!!!!
click here to go to archive.com!
What I disscovered was the stockpile of videos that were used in BOTH ORIENTATION FILM 1980 AND HOFFITT'S HANSO INDUSTRIES FILM~! OH YAH! Look up both "Jam Handy" and "Jerry Fairbanks" on archive.com and you will find tons of the footage that were used!!!
SO...what this has done is TWO things at least:
First, it CLEARLY shows where both videos got the footage from, which would kind of tie them together.
Second, how did JWH1972 on flickr get to those photos ON THE SAME DAY as the orientation video came out unless he/she already KNEW where to look.
Something tells me if one of my buddies with high speed internet was to research on archive.com long enough, they whould also find the footage of "the DeGroots" too.
THIS IS REALLY getting interesting folks!
It would be great if there was a connection, but many people (including myself) pick up retro film at archive.org for various projects. I have always doubted the Hoffit film because I feel the narration is poorly written, even if everything else seems to "fit" the Toushstone style.
Lena - Ok, so I have been busy with the game and did not do as much with this thing as I had hoped. But after seeing these video's and all the work you have done...I'm in! This is really interesting and sometimes creepy stuff. Since I play mostly at work I will do what I can there, and when I am home I should be able to do more. That one video is really creepy, the music, the shots....I have goose bumps...
I'm really confused by the stuff you've uncovered. Our choices are either it's in game or not in game right? But if it's not in game the guy doing it has access to the same rough footage that TPTB made the orientation video from?
Why would he put all that work in if he wasn't in game? I'm assuming we're ruling out that he's telling the truth, right?
Thats what I think too twinkle.
TPTB are sneaky little devils and who knows what they COULD be up to. I dont think ANYTHING is graved in stone when it comes to in game stuff.
Remember when RBs blog first came out and LOTS of people thought it was a fake for the longest time! And same goes for mandrakewig on myspace.
I just dont have any conclutions yet though. It very well still COULD be fake, but just like you said, it is a lot of work.
I hope people take the time to read this WHOLE BLOG before desiding for themselves.
Has anyone noticed there is NO reference AT ALL on LOSTpedia for Hoffitt? Didnt there used to be?
Yes, that's weird. I tried to look up some info on the film and there was zilch.
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