VIDEO RESEARCH created by: Team Lena, rxhector, and Settern

Here is the research blog that goes after the video controversy! Hoffitt and Orientation issue 1980 exposed??

Friday, June 30, 2006

Misc Stuff

Quick little side note
I have found some truly amazing photography and artwork on flickr - if you havent taken the opportunity to browse around sometime - try it
good keywords to find pics amazingly enough are copenhagen and iceland
ok - im done rambling now

picture of the Church on RBs blog
(oh yeah, this guy asmundur has the most awesome pictures)

poem that goes with the church

It's tricky to translate. It's mocking the mathematical look of the building and finally, Hallgrímur a priest and a poet after whom the church is named, returns from his grave to beg the architecht to stop.

picture of Copenhagen town hall on RBs blog
i scaled it to the same size and it overlays perfect

found another match for Rachel B blog pics

found another match for Rachel B blog pics

apparently soembody got mail from Hanso?
how the hell did that happen?

Video/Images Conclusions

I have taken the approach of looking for links between current LOST Experience Clues and the Hoffitt film. Here are my findings so far.

At the beginning on a chalkboard, they are working on an equation with the variables D and O and a good set of numbers. Not enough is shown for me to put an answer to their equation. Yet, D^2 and O has been linked in our game to D20, heavy water. On the blackboard at the beginning of the film, we can clearly see "infertility" on it. Infertility is the first symptom of heavy water poisoning.

Then, the researchers' cloaks may not have the dharma logo on them, but they do have something rather odd. It appears to be an "anti-" something symbol. The circle with a line through it. Still, it is also possible it is just breaking up the two letters S and Z. I have found no information on any industries or links with those initials or that symbol, but I believe further investigation is certainly in order. If we can find that it is not a Hanso Foundation symbol, we will have most assuredly busted the Hoffitt video's validity.

Below are image comparisons from the movie and the Orientation Film:

This image looks familiar... yes? That's all I can say.

Comparison between the two probe pictures. Very odd but interesting.

Now, the real deal...

In the Jerry William Hoffitt video, we got to see this dish. In the Orientation video, we saw this dish. Next to eachother, it is convincing to me that they are the same model.

Now, due to new information that has just come to light, I am in agreement that Mandrake Wig is part of the game as a front for RetrieversOfTruth clues. Yet, I wish to go on record as saying that their referencing him does not make him in-game, considering the many community references that have been made before and links to the fan-made

Also, the Hoffitt video promotes the Hanso brand as an American venture. Yet, we all know that it is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. How does that meld together? There are also problems with a 1965 video referencing the term "nanotechnology" that was first made in 1974, almost ten years later.

So, my current conclusion is that there is not enough evidence to conclude in-game. Thus, for the moment, it should not be seen as in-game until further supporting evidence is presented.

In light of this fact, I believe the rest of the LOST Experience community needs to be brought in. There is enough evidence to at least present it as being possibly in-game, and it would feel irresponsible to me if we did not let this information out in its current form. We need the aid of the community in bringing confirmation to our concerns and doubts.