VIDEO RESEARCH created by: Team Lena, rxhector, and Settern

Here is the research blog that goes after the video controversy! Hoffitt and Orientation issue 1980 exposed??

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Ok, this is CRAZY but I found the common link between orientation film and Hoffitt film!!!!!!!!!!! (besides JWH1972)

I was first following MG's advice and went looking for James Handy. Only things that popped up were for a modern day actor. NO DIRECTOR JAMES HANDY. (btw, his link to doesnt work. That domaine is for sale)

I was looking at the newest video from our new blogger MG. At the beginning it DOESNT SAY James Handy....I couldnt quite make it out so I thought I would just do a google on "Handy white magic film" and BAMMMMMMM!!!!

click here to go to!

What I disscovered was the stockpile of videos that were used in BOTH ORIENTATION FILM 1980 AND HOFFITT'S HANSO INDUSTRIES FILM~! OH YAH!  Look up both "Jam Handy" and "Jerry Fairbanks" on and you will find tons of the footage that were used!!!

SO...what this has done is TWO things at least:

First, it CLEARLY shows where both videos got the footage from, which would kind of tie them together.

Second, how did JWH1972 on flickr get to those photos ON THE SAME DAY as the orientation video came out unless he/she already KNEW where to look.

Something tells me if one of my buddies with high speed internet was to research on long enough, they whould also find the footage of "the DeGroots" too.

THIS IS REALLY getting interesting folks!


Hoffitt Films update:

Not sure how many people know, but there is a new blog created by the youtube Hoffittfilms user.

click here for hoffittsfilms blog

This blog was created on July 29th. The EBlogger that posted it signs his name as MG. Profile on EBlogger is jerry hoffitt but has no other blogs or information.

Now the way I personally discovered this blog is odd. I was looking at the stats for video research blog and went to look at where people were coming in from and noticed a google search for Hoffitt films. I went to check it out and NUMBER TWO on the hit list was the new blog!!

click here to view the real google search

Now here is the first interesting thing we figured out. HOW DID THIS NEW BLOG get to NUMBER TWO on google search so fast??!! Anyone who is fairly geeky knows that is an interesting fact. My husband is such a geek. LOL

I personally found this site on August 2. At that time there were only 4 comments indicating there were only a select few who knew about this.

Now on to the blog details:

1. The blog basically is a written by a “normal non gamer person” who “found” a reel of film in his celler.

click here to view who is jerry hoffitt post

2. He explains that he DOES NOT KNOW who Jerry Hoffitt is.

3. There is a new video in the blog that is also on youtube. I went to youtube and discovered that this new video is in fact a new video for “hoffittfilms” on youtube. It is called “The Island” and has a link next to it to the new blog!! That means this is at least the same user for sure!

I will add more on this later…want to hurry and update my research blog!!


New video and post from MG!! YAH! Go check it out!

Team Lena